Bibles to South East Asia

Live Global isn't like other missions organizations

We don't start, run, or own any ministries. Instead, we leverage the skills, gifts, and resources of the Norrh American Church to equip and encourage national Christians worldwide. Native believers understand their culture, context, and language better than foreign missionaries so they have access to more hard to reach places and people groups. We trust our partners to understand what ministries are the best for their situation and work to help them realize their vision. All around the world God is moving and people are hearing the Good News not just from a pulpit, but through sports camps, health clinics, business seminars, and even social media classes. In addition to our regional missionaries, Live Global also has more specialized Impact Teams which can be used by partners.


Business As Mission (BAM) is one such team. God has given everyone the skills, giftings, and resources in order to be successful; the goal of BAM is to come alongside entrepreneurs and help identify the opportunities He has placed around them. A flourishing business provides more than a simple handout ever could – dignity, respect, empowerment, and a healthy dose of humility knowing that ultimately the work is for, through, and by God. Self-sustaining businesses not only provide good jobs and a sense of stability, but they also enable churches and communities to be autonomous, not dependent upon western funding. We are nurturing opportunities for people to invest in their own context, to build into their neighbors, and care for each other out of their own abundance so that they all might be enriched and encouraged through a local ministry that is a wellspring flowing from within. Each transaction is an opportunity to build relationships and each relationship provides opportunities for Gospel conversations. 


In partnership with Live Global and Mission CRY, Project 5 2 was able to provide nearly 700 bibles for shipment to South East Asia, most of which are child or youth English language. This might counterintuitive (wouldn't it be better for them to have the Bible in their native tongue?), but learning English is such a desirable skill in the developing world that even in countries where it is illegal to evangelize, our partners can teach language classes. And what better way to learn English than from a children's Bible! Because of the generosity of Project 5 2 and faithful donors, hundreds of people around the world will learn to speak a different language by hearing the Good News of Jesus Christ. 


It is to my exceeding pleasure and everlasting joy that God has seen it fit to use us in His redemption story. 


God is moving. What's your role?


Zac Nelson 

Business As Mission Coordinator,

Live Global


The Ultimate Giver


Looking Ahead: 2024