The Ultimate Giver
Acts 20: 35:
“ In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”
Grandpa Steffen, Jerry’s dear and generous grandfather used to say, “the world is full of 2 kinds of people, there are givers and there are takers.” We believe there is some truth to that. Jerry and I have been given a ministry of compassion, love and material supply to others. We, by the Grace of God, and through the generosity of many financial “givers” have been helping other ministries, families and the underserved for 17 years, and for that, we are really thankful to God and our sponsors, because it gives us great joy. I’m not sure of why this has impacted us lately, but it seems we have experienced a lot more takers these days, than givers. We have never forgot what grandpa Steffen used to say and so we’ve been considering this topic on a more personal level recently, asking God to search our own hearts. Selfishness and pride can be so deceiving. However, we will say we believe that givers can change the world.
Yes, for the most part there are a lot of takers in the world, but it shouldn’t be that way in the Body of Christ. As followers of Jesus Christ, we are instructed to consider others more significant than ourselves, correct? ( Phil 2:4). We are to live humbly and generously as followers of Christ, the One who came to give (Psalm 37:21)(1 John3:16-18). Those are virtues that should set us apart from the world, but do we do it? Do we really live humbly, intentionally and generously so as to make an impact on this world? Do we even look to help a brother or sister in Christ who are in need? After all, Paul writes in his second letter to the Corinthians:
“The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work. As it is written, ‘He has distributed freely, he has given to the poor; his righteousness endures forever.’ For the ministry of this service is not only supplying the needs of the saints but is also overflowing in many thanksgivings to God. By their approval of this service, they will glorify God because of your submission that comes from your confession of the gospel of Christ, and the generosity of your contribution for them and for all others...” ( 2 Cor 9:6-13)
So am I personally more of a giver or a taker?
Sure, we all give and take at certain times, but what is our dominant default in most situations? To clarify, I am not referring to those who honestly are not able to give of themselves or serve, but to the rest of us. Let’s take a second to think about that. The attitude of giving and taking carries over to other areas of our lives as well. Here’s some general food for thought:
How do we react at a 4 way stop intersection with other cars? Do we inconvenience another person to go through first? How about our giving and taking on the road in general? How do we react when there’s one close parking spot and we and another car both want it? How do we react when we see a struggling waitress or cashier? Are we quick to get irritated and take it out on them in our tip? ( yes, there are occasions when we need wisdom) Or do we stop, take our time to understand and encourage him/ her with words and then a gracious tip? How about the relationships in our lives, do we talk with, or at people? Do we take more than we give to our friendships? Do we HONESTLY seek the welfare of others? What is our initial heart reaction when we hear of someone in financial need? Do we look for ways to help financially, or do we automatically justify why we shouldn’t help or give? (And call it stewardship). How about at work, do we intentionally think of others all around us? What would our employers say we were, givers or takers?
As Christians we are called to be givers whenever possible, out of obedience, but also out of our love for and gratitude toward God, and from my own experience, it certainly can be a battle of the heart, because giving usually requires sacrifice. Taking comes much easier for most of us.
If one’s automatic default is to (most often) want to help or serve when they see a need, or if one doesn’t mind sacrificing for another, then I would say, there’s a pretty good chance that person is a giver. If giving gives one joy, and their motives are pure, then definitely – giver. If we easily see the opportunities to help or bless generously – giver!
If our initial instinct is to consider our own cost first, not really wanting to sacrifice, but scrutinizing the risk/ benefit to ourselves – taker. Stinginess is contrary to God’s nature. If giving is done out of obligation or duty, and one, even subconsciously expects something in return, then one is probably in “taker-mode”. If we only give to others when it directly benefits us in some way- taker. If our automatic response is to judge another and scrutinize our giving so much, we talk ourselves out of helping or giving, then we might be a taker. If we hoard, well…..
Or, are we so self-absorbed, we don’t even see the opportunities around us to give, help, or encourage? The old nature is always concerned with self. Selfishness is easy but it’s not the way of the Kingdom of God.
Jesus Christ, the One we claim to follow, GAVE. During his time on earth, He gave and served and ministered to those who didn’t deserve his time or grace. He fed thousands. He visited and healed the sick and the dead. He provided finances and resources for those in need. He gave joyfully, and he gave tirelessly and he gave generously, ultimately giving everything, even his own life. He gave his life, so that we could be takers of His grace and the abundant, eternal life he offers. He set the example for us from what He saw His heavenly Father do, and we are to walk in the same mindset as Christ. (Phil 2) We too, are to live joyful, generous lives. There is a saying we saw recently that read, ” Givers must have boundaries, because takers don’t have any.” Ouch… but can you relate? I assure you, givers can. By the way, how is our giving and taking with God lately?
Jerry and I are so thankful that we get to serve the Giver of givers, and not a self serving tyrant, and we’re thankful He didn’t set up boundaries on His love toward us. So as I am asking God to search my heart and show me areas where I may take from people, more than I give. ( Psalm 26) I pray we all would do the same, as ambassadors of Christ. Let’s be mindful of our giving and taking, and let’s read and meditate on some scriptures that should guide us. Let the Word of God shine the Light on where our hearts stand, before Him, the Ultimate Giver.
Acts 20: 35; 2 Corinthians 9: 6,7 ; Luke 6:38, 14: 13-14 ; 2 Cor 8: 12 ; Matthew 10:8, 6:1-4,19-20 ; Psalm 41: 1-3; 37: 21; Proverbs 19:17 ; 1 Tim 6: 17-19 ; Deut 15: 10-11 ; 1 John 3:17; Hebrews 13:16; Romans 12: 10-13.